Woody Galloway has lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico for 40 years. He has walked many rivers and mountains here, where on a quiet evening one might still hear a lone coyote call, or the sound of a quiet stream.
His formative years were spent in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas. He learned early on the call of the Bob White quail, and the sound of a large mouth bass breaking the water. He has set out fish lines amidst the cypress trees and floated the wild white river. As a young boy, Woody played with 50 brothers and 35 sisters on a 135-acre playground at an orphanage named St. Josephs. It was here that he learned to see the wonders of people and of nature. He didnt have a camera then, but many images were imprinted on the film of his memory, helping him to understand that all life is sacred and unfolding.
Woody is now in his fifties and has been capturing the ever-changing Images of Hope to share. He knows a photograph cannot stop a running river or make a hawk stand still, but it can certainly record a unique moment that will never again be repeated. The mystic moments that pass us by are true treasures and Woody captures some of these in photographs. These images have become messages of hope in this life, and he has come to call them Images of Hope.
He has been published and featured in shows including the New Mexico Governors Gallery, the Klebau Photography Gallery, and recently on the cover of the Santa Fean Magazine.
Woody believes that sharing the art is the true way to stay in touch with nature, others and himself.