Woody Galloway, Photographer, Santa Fe, New Mexico


They just discovered a new galaxy. They named it Sombrero.
It is 55,000 light years across, and brighter than 400 billion suns.
I want to go there some day to take a few photographs.


You and me, and the infinite universe, in union with the divine in all things.
No separation between us. The oneness of us all.


I have breathed you, laying in the willows along the river. You take in my breath,
and it joins with yours, and then you breathe both breaths back into me,
mixed with your wine. I am intoxicated in you, with you.
My breath looks for the willows now.


If you stay away from the fire you will become doughy and numb.
Feel the over fire, and let the baked loaves nourish you.


There is no need to be afraid little flock,
for it has pleased your father to give you the kingdom.
Luke 12 us 32


As I watched him lie there, with the rope tight around his neck, life taken from him only a few hours ago, his glazed open eyes spoke to me:

“Don't remember me like this. Know that I have lived free, lived wild, lived on the edge, no comfort, except in the knowing. Knowing I can run as fast as a horse. Knowing I can see in the dim light like an owl. Knowing I can walk in the wilderness without moving a leaf. Knowing I can call in the still forest, and the trees stop to listen in awe. I have always respected the ground I walk so gently on, or run across like the wind. With simple love, and great effort, I have fed and taught my children, how great thou art. No, no do not look at my flesh torn by the bullet, torn from the lion dogs. Look at my feet, and know they have carried me across the many kingdoms, and I have slept in many mansions. Even now, know that the spirit that fashioned me, has taken me to a new forest somewhere across the sky.”


As we float out into the emptiness among the great stars,
the darkness has become a great light.
Sometimes I go about pitying myself,
and all the time I am being carried on great winds across the sky.
Do you think just because death takes you,
that now the angels will come and break your chains?
You put them on, you can take them off.
Heavier than the darkness was the burden they were to themselves.
Making love with the divine now.
Jesus said, "Lazarus come out", and to them he said "unbind him, let him go free".
To celebrate with my heart’s gentle movement.
One soul meeting another soul.
To love and to be loved.
Being kind to yourself
To dream and begin the work
To take a friend to Tuscany


Recognizing the light coming from your own eyes - the illumination.
To have tasted one's sweetness in another.
To go into the forest one night, and sit by the fire, with your back to the darkness,
and listen to what your soul thinks of you.
To know you are a guest here.


Something beyond life lives within life, and calls the soul. I want hear the voice. If I am lost in myself, I miss what else there might be. The spirit that ventures towards the invisible may find a paradise. Envision the eternal images. Those who hope to be reasonable about it fail. Surrender to the yearning itself. This yearning is not meant to be satisfied. It keeps the soul in the garden searching for new seeds. At some point the searching becomes less, and we accept the gifts with grace. The flowing. We become unhinged, and the door swings open, and we simply wait for the guest from within to come and share the tea.


First we must know we are asleep. Then we must want to awaken. Usually something dramatic is necessary to speed the gift of change. Like getting sick, getting well, getting fired, getting a DWI, being alone for a day. To awaken means change. To change takes courage. A little here, and a little there won’t get it done. It took courage for my mother to leave me in an orphanage. She knew she could not provide for me at the time. Her courage resulted in great blessings given to me. Yes: We must leave something - who we think we are. Create a new self. Touch and bless the universe. Do a magic trick, and change your fears into a trusting relationship with the divine in you.

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